Friday, November 28, 2008

The new begining

Christmas is approaching!
How time flies!

And the best part! My birthday's coming. But I never liked birthdays, especially mine. I used to have a friend who has the same birthday as me, and hers was always better than mine. More extravagant. And every single year, I would dread my birthday because I don't have huge parties with popular people attending it. I feel so lonely sometimes, I can cry.

This year is different. I'm more mature. More stable. I realise that those huge parties are merely a show. The birthday girl/boy only talk to 10% of the guests and 90% are just acquaintances.

My friend S* inspired me that birthdays are meant to be spent with true friends. Those that have your back when you're in deep shit. And finally, after years of feeling worthless and emotional about the upcoming event, I am now actually quite excited about it :)

Reallly! I was flashing back on J*'s birthday. She had a huge party thrown for her but she only spoke to 5-6 people??? The rest weren't even her friends! Hahah that made me chuckle a little...

Oh and today, i went out with my crush! Okay, the feeling just evolved after the outing! Hahahah, he's really cute, to me. and funny! and childish! But it's all cool. However, he's damn skinny. I think his arms are like HALF OF MINE???? bah

I'm a happy happy girl :)

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